Our Life Members

The foundation of our community and the backbone of our membership.

From 1925 to 1939

1935 A.J. Levy

Alf Levy was a prominent Perth bookmaker who was the Club Patron for a number of years in the 1930s and assisted the club to obtain financial assistance from the Charities Consultation Board. He was a Vice President in 1937 and also donated the Levy Cup trophy.

In 1935 it was moved ‘that Mr AJ Levy be appointed to a Life Member of the CPSLSC in appreciation of services he had rendered in the past.’ When Alf Levy passed away in 1939 he was described as ‘a man who in the early years of the club’s activity did much towards our welfare’

1935 C. Bader
“There can be little doubt that in the period before 1930, it was Bader… who most influenced the direction of the club.” Carl Bader was President of the Western Australian Amateur Swimming Association in 1924, and was a founding member of the club. He became Vice President of the Surf Life Saving Association of Western Australia when it was formed in 1925. He held the office of club President from 1927 to 1930, and again in the 1931-32 and 1933-34 seasons and was appointed a Trustee in 1935. His preoccupation with efficiency led to the Club’s dominance in the SLSA’s Efficiency Trophy in the 1930s and 40s. Carl Bader was state Secretary from 1940 to 1947. In 1946 he was awarded state Life Membership
1935 H.F. Bader
Carl Bader’s brother, Harry Bader was the Honorary Auditor from 1929-30 season until 1936-37 season. In 1935 he was appointed a Trustee of the Club.
1935 R.E. Gatherer
“An articulate and complex man, an individualist whose administrative ability derived from the respect he commanded from others.”

Rex Gatherer was not a lifesaver himself, he couldn’t swim. However, he brought a professional, businesslike approach to club administration.

He was club President in the 1930-31 season, and from 1936 to 1939. He also served as state President in the 1943-44 season, and in 1938 was awarded state Life Membership.

1939 A. Peacock
Alf Peacock held a number of different positions during the early years of the club. He was club Vice Captain and subsequently Captain in 1930-31, Chief Instructor in 1934-35, Treasurer 1939-40, and Gear Officer in 1942-43.

Alf was made a State Life Member in 1950.

From 1940 to 1959

1943 J. Mayberry

“…the core of the club’s management during the war…”

Jackie Mayberry (nee Kretchmar) held the position of Assistant Secretary from 1936 to 1943. Her commitment during the war years was an important factor in the club’s survival.

1944 R. L. Sanderson

“…Sanderson was to the club like a good boat sweep in rough seas”

“if ever there has to be a ‘Mr City Beach’, it would have to be Reg Sanderson”

One of the most important figures in the history of the club, Reg Sanderson was club Vice Captain in 1931-32, and Handicapper from 1934 to 1937, before holding the office of President from 1939 to 1952, and again from 1959 to 1965. His leadership was responsible for getting the club through some of it’s most difficult periods.

He was an accomplished boat sweep also, and swept the clubs first state champion crews while Boat Captain in the 1933-34 and 1934-35 seasons.

1945 M. McMillan
Maurie McMillan served as club Secretary from the 1939-40 season through to 1946-47, and again in 1949 and 1955. That obviously didn’t give him enough to do, as he was also Chief Instructor in 1939-40 and 1946-47, Vice Captain in 1940-41, and Boat Captain in 1943-44 and 1944-45. His dedication was an important factor during the war years.
1946 G. S. Parr
George Parr was club Vice President from 1941-42 through to 1950-51, as well as holding the position of Treasurer during the 1941-42, 1942-43, 1943-44, 1945-46 and 1946-47 seasons. In 1959-60 he returned to the Vice President position, where he served until 1963-64
1948 L. D. Jacks

Les Jacks was club Vice Captain during the 1937-38 season, and Captain from 1940-41 to 1942-43. He held the Chief Intructor’s position in 1943-44, 1944-45, 1947-48 and 1956-57, as well as Vice President in 1955-56.

He was a member of the Western Australian State Team in 1938.

1949 H. M. Henderson

Hugh Henderson was a Perth City Councillor who was made an Honorary Permanent Member of the Club in 1935 an honour given for ‘outstanding service or support’ that afforded all privileges of Membership.

He was Vice Patron for a number of years and Chairman of Endowment Lands Committee.

1950 E. W. C. Jacks
The eldest of the three Jacks brothers, Ben served as Club Vice Captain in the 1941-42 season, and Handicapper in 1944-45.
1951 O. E. Harmer
Owen Harmer was Club Vice Captain in 1935-36, and again the following year before taking on Club Captain mid-season. He was Club Captain until midway through the 1939-40 season.
1952 W. A Mortimer
A club member from the 30′s, Bill Mortimer returned from an eventful war service to become club Treasurer for ten seasons, the longest unbroken run for this position by any member.
1956 H. K. Riley
“…one of City of Perth’s most dedicated and energetic lifesavers…”

Kevin Riley was responsible for the formation of the North City (later renamed Floreat) club in the 1947-48 season. Previously the City club had been patrolling both beaches, a task which became more and more difficult in the post-war boom.

After establishing North City, Riley returned to be Club Captain in 1948-49. He became Assistant Secretary in 1950-51, Vice President the following year, and in 1952-53 succeeded Reg Sanderson as President, as position he held for four years.

In 1963 Kevin Riley was elected a Life Member of WA State Centre, and in 1966 became the first City member to be awarded Life Membership of the national Surf Life Saving Association.

From 1960 to 1979

1960 W. R. Somerford
“…strength, stamina, and mental toughness…”

A champion boatman of the 50′s Warren ‘Wonk’ Somerford served as Club Captain for an unequalled eleven seasons from 1954-5 through to 1964-5, followed by five years as President.

As well as winning many State titles in Surf Boats and March Past, Wonk was a nine time winner of the club Marathon, the event which now bears his name.

He was elected a State Life Member in 1975.

1963 T. J. Hayden
Tom Hayden was Club Secretary in the 1956-57 and 1957-58 seasons, and again in 1963. He served as Treasurer from 1959-60 through to 1964-65, and was Vice President from 1964-65 to 1967-68.

He returned to the position of Treasurer in 1974-75, through to 1978-79.

1966 G. Kino

A dedicated patrolling member who captained the club Champion Patrol four times, George Kino also served as Vice Captain in the 1947-48, 1951-52 and 1952-53 seasons.

He was also a successful competitor, winning State tiles in Champion Lifesaver, Champion Patrol and surf boat events.

1966 R. B Ramsay

A champion boatman of the 1950s Bob Ramsay rowed in six “A” crew boat titles, whilst marching in and coaching the club March Past team to a number of successes. Bob was a member of the Champion Patrol in 1949.

As a prominent Subiaco businessman Bob gave consistent and strong support to the club social and fundraising activities over many decades

1971 I. D. Scott OAM
“…a professional approach appropriate to the demands of the modern era…”

Ian Scott joined the club in the 50′s, and has been one of the clubs most dedicated administrators. He was club Treasurer in 1958-59, 1965-66 and from 1967-68 to 1969-70, Secretary from 1959-60 to 1961-62 and in 1964-65, President for two terms of four years in the 70′s and Vice President in 1986-87.

In the mid-80′s he rejuvenated the club’s R&R arena, coaching many teams to success at State and Australian Championship level.

Ian was awarded State Life Membership in 1983, and Australian Life Membership in 1988.

1971 J. Trethowan
Jock Trethowan was club Chief Instructor in 1955-56, and again from 1958-59 to 1960-61, a challenging period which saw the introduction of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He was Vice President in the 1972-73 season.

Jock also held numerous State positions. He was awarded State Life Membership in 1974, and National Life Membership in 1977.

1974 R. G. Roberts OAM

Ric Roberts was City’s Chief Instructor from 1962-63 to 1964-65, and again in 1972-73 and 1973-74. From 1967-68 through to 1971-72 he was club Captain.

Ric held the club Champion Lifesaver title for seven consecutive seasons, from 1962-63 to 1968-69 as well as winning two State championships in the event, and coached the Junior R&R to a silver medal at the 1960 Australian Championships – the first time the club won a medal competing outside W.A. In 1967 he became the states first Ironman champion.

Ric was awarded Life Membership of Surf Life Saving WA in 1991, and Life Membership of Surf Life Saving Australia in 2008.

1975 E. R. J. Mickle
“…one of the finest all-round surf lifesavers in WA…”

One of the clubs finest competitors and instructors throughout the 60′s, in 1970 ‘Mick’ Mickle took on the fledgling Nipper movement. Over the next six years he turned the Nippers into a major part of the club. The development of the junior club was a major contributing factor to the competitive success of the senior club a few years later.

1977 S. R. Jacks
The youngest of the three Jacks brothers, Stan was club Registrar from 1955-56 to 1957-58, and Chief Instructor from 1957-58 to 1958-59.

In what must be the longest-running competitive career on record, Stan won his first State Championship in the Sub-Junior (Cadet) R&R in 1939-40. He went on to become W.A.’s most successful March Past coach, bringing City twelve State Championship wins, the last in 1997-98. He also coached two Australian medal winning March Past teams for the club.

In 2002, Stan was inducted into the Surf Life Saving Western Australia Sporting Hall of Fame.

From 1980 to 1999

1980 J. F. Harbison

A keen surfer, John Harbison was club Secretary in 1966-67 and 1967-68. He then served as club Vice Captain for two years before returning to the Secretary job for another two seasons. He was Boat Captain in 1974-75, and Vice President in 1976-77.

John was also a successful competitor, winning 18 State Championships in surf boats and March Past.

1984 J. Leivers

One of the clubs most inspirational leaders, John ‘Garbo’ Leivers was club Vice Captain in 1975-76 and 1976-77 before taking on the Club Captain’s role for the next four years. In 1982-83 he was Vice President.

John is also one of the clubs most successful competitors at State, Australian and World Championship level.

1987 R. L Groser
Richard Groser was Assistant Secretary for two seasons at the end of the 60′s, before moving on to a season each as Patrol Officer and Vice Captain.

He was Chief Instructor from 1976-77 to 1978-79, Secretary in 1980-81 and 1981-82, and President in 1982-83 and 1983-84.

Richard has also coached many State Champion March Past teams.

1988 G. R. Trew
Greg Trew was club President for the 1984-85 and 1985-86 seasons.

During the 1990′s he filled a variety of positions including Vice President, Vice Captain, Junior Division Officer and Youth Development Officer, enhancing his reputation as a ‘Mr Fixit’.

1988 S. Scott
Sue Scott was a member of the Ladies club before it was disbanded in the 60′s, holding the position of Ladies Captain from 1961-62 until 1964-65.

In the 1980′s Sue was heavily involved in the running of the Nipper club, and in 1988 became club Secretary, a position she held for four seasons.

In 1991-92, Sue became City’s first (and Australia’s second) female Club President. Her four years as President were one of the Club’s most successful periods; in 1991-92, City created history by winning the Surf Champions, Patrol Efficiency, Administration Shield, R&R Premiership and Champion Club titles.

1989 G. A. Mickle
“…one of the clubs great characters…”

With 46 State Championships to his name, Greg Mickle is the clubs most succesful competitor, and one it’s most inspirational leaders.

In between his own competitive success, Greg has coached countless members, bringing many absolute beginners to State Championship level.

Greg was Club Captain in 1985-86 and 1986-87.

1989 R. B. McRae
One of the tireless ‘behind the scenes’ workers of the 1950′s, Renee McRae provided invaluable support to the club as part of the Ladies Auxiliary, and in the organising of many fund-raising and social events.
1989 R. E. Harper

Bob Harper was Club Captain from 1972-73 until 1974-75, and Vice President in 1975-76. He was then President for three seasons, 1979-80 through to 1981-82, and Secretary in 1986-87 and 1987-88.

One of the clubs best known boaties, Bob won 18 State Championships in surf boats and March Past.

1992 A. Collins
Andy Collins emigrated to Australia from England in the 1960′s and, with a determination that when in Australia he would ‘do what Australians do’, promptly joined a surf club.

An efficient administrator, Andy was Assistant Secretary in 1976-77 and 1977-78. He then went on to four years as Secretary, 1982-83 to 1985-86, winning the Theo Hayward Administration award from State Centre every year.

His enthusiasm for history was the driving force behind the writing and publishing of the club history, Custodians and Champions in 1988.

1992 I. D. McRae
Ian McRae was Patrol Officer for 1974-75 until 1976-77, and again in 1978-79. In 1978-79 he was also Vice Captain, a position he held until 1981-82. He was Club Captain in 1987-88 and 1988-89.
1992 K. E. J. Hogg
Kevin Hogg was club Secretary from 1973-74 to 1977-78.

In the late 80′s and early 90′s he spent four years as Junior Division Officer, and five years as Cadet Officer.

1993 G. Leivers

In 1965-66, Geoff Leivers became the clubs youngest ever Captain, a position he held for two seasons. He was Vice President in 1970-71 until 1972-73.

Geoff won many State Championships in boats and March Past, and was a member of the World Championship winning boat crew in 1980.

1993 J. L. Pouleris
A committed boatie and reliable club member, Jim Pouleris was Boat Captain in 1968-69, 1970-71, 1971-72 and 1973-74. He was also Gear Officer from 1963-64 until 1966-67, and from 1995-96 until 1998-99.
1993 W. A. Jarman

Bill Jarman was club Vice Captain in 1974-75 before moving to Captain in 1975-76 and 1976-77. He served a season as Vice President in 1977-78.

Bill was captain of the City Instructional Team to Bali in 1976.

He was Treasurer/Finance Director for a combined period of 13 years, and later carried out the duties of club auditor. Bill was a member of the Building Committee during the development and construction of the 2015 clubrooms.

In the competitive area to the present time (2022) Bill has rowed in 16 State Championship crews, and marched in 6 Champion March Past teams. Within club competition he showed his versatility in winning 5 City Marathons and 5 Champion Life Saver competitions.

1995 L. M. Buchan
One of the club’s most successful competitors, winning 13 State Championships in the beach arena, including a record six consecutive Open Beach Sprints from 1977 to 1982. Leigh was unlucky not to win Australian gold in the Open Beach Relay in 1980, coming down with injury in the semi-finals.

Since the 1990′s, Leigh has been one of the clubs most successful coaches, with competitors winning many Australian and World Championship medals.

Leigh was Assistant Secretary in 1985-86 and 1986-87, and Patrol Officer in 1980-81 and 1981-82.

In 2002, Leigh was inducted into the Surf Life Saving Western Australia Sporting Hall of Fame.

1997 R. B. Somerford
As well as being one of City’s most successful competitors, Robbie Somerford is one of Western Australia’s most successful boaties with 10 Open Surf Boat championships among his 23 State Titles.
1998 D. Trew

Dennis Trew was a member of the 1971 Junior Boat Crew which went through the season undefeated to claim City’s first Australian Championship, won on our own beach. It was this victory which led to the Club’s decision to send a representative team to the Australian Championships each year.

Dennis has remained a committed boatie, sweeping many successful crews. He was a member of the W.A. State Team in 1972, and has been awarded the Club’s Boatman of the Year trophy on three occasions.

Other club positions Dennis has held include Ambulance Officer in 1969/70 and 1970/71, Board and Ski Captain 1973/74, Vice Boat Captain 1974/75, Boat Captain in 1984/85, 1993/94 and 1994/95, and Australian Titles Team Manager in 1991/92. During the 1990′s he was also one of the Club’s most committed fundraisers.

From 2000 to 2019

2001 J. H. O'Donoghue
John O’Donoghue was the club Treasurer for six years, from 1989-90 to 1994-95, during which time the club’s financial position went from near bankruptcy to a healthy well-managed balance sheet. He was also the club Bar Manager during that time.

John was the club Registrar in the 1998-99 and 1999-2000 seasons.

2001 J. I. Scott

The son of Life Members Ian and Sue Scott, Jeff Scott was Club Captain from the 1991-92 season through to 1994-95, one of the club’s most successful periods. He was also Patrol Officer in 1989-90 and Vice Captain in 1990-91.

After spending some time working in Geraldton, he returned to Perth and was the club Competition Officer in 1999-2000, then Cadet Officer in 2000-01.

He is also one of the club’s most successful competitors at State level, winning eight State Champion Lifesaver titles in Open and Under 18 divisions, and many R&R titles.

Jeff developed the first club website in 1997 and was Webmaster for 15 years. He also went on to hold the positions of Beach Operations Officer and Club Team Manager before being elected Club President for the 2010 and 2011 seasons.

2001 W. E. Gaynor OAM
A member of the club since the 1950′s Bill Gaynor held the positions of Registrar and Handicapper in 1962 and 1963.

He went on to hold a number of positions with the W.A. State Centre, and was made a Life Member of Surf Life Saving W.A. in 1985.

In 1987-88 he became the club President, a position he held for four years. At the time, although the Club was strong on the beach, the administration was barely staying afloat. Bill guided the club through this time, overseeing a restructure of the financial systems and the implementation of a new Constitution.

In 1988, Bill received a World Lifesaving Citation of Merit, and was the recipient of an Order of Australia Medal in 1998 for his contribution to surf lifesaving.

Bill was awarded Life Membership of Surf Life Saving Australia in 2003.

2004 J. C. Jardine
Joy Jardine was a tireless behind the scenes worker as part of the Auxiliary from the early 1960s right through to the 1980s, many of those years as President of that group. The support work of the Auxiliary was a major factor in building the club to what it is today.
2004 P. C. Andrew
Paul Andrew held a variety of Committee positions through the 1980s and 1990s, including Social Chairman, Boat Captain, Chief Instructor, Handicapper and Club Team Manager.

He was President from 1998-99 through to 2002-03,and helped bring the club into a new era of professionalism in administration while still maintaining the core values of the club on the beach.

2005 J. L. Scott
Jane Scott is one of the club’s most committed and professional administrators and educators. After joining the club in the mid-1980s, she soon became a qualified instructor and examiner in almost every area of surf lifesaving.

Jane held the position of club Chief Instructor for two seasons, followed by two seasons as Secretary, and two as Patrol Officer. She has always maintained a high involvement in the education side of the club and is highly regarded throughout WA for her lifesaving knowledge.

2005 R. F. Turner
Rick Turner came to City of Perth as a swimming coach in the 1970′s. Over the next few decades he had a major impact on the club, coaching the great majority of our water event State and Australian titles.
2008 R. W. King
Rodney King joined the club as a Nipper parent, and spent four years as the Junior Officer and one as Youth Development Officer. In this time, Rod restructured the Nippers to take control of rapidly growing membership.

Rod also became involved in club education, training many squads of Nipper parents to provide water safety, and coordinating club proficiency testing.

2010 G. S. Wilson
Formerly a member of Broadbeach SLSC in Queensland, Geoff Wilson joined City of Perth in 1986. After initially competing in ski paddling, in the 1990s he became the club’s #1 boat sweep.

Geoff swept many City crews, winning several State A Crew titles, featuring in Australian finals and winning Australian gold in 2005 in the Lifesaver Relay.

2010 M. L. Lowther
Mal Lowther joined the club in the late 1970s and immediately took on leadership roles as a patrol captain and instructor. He was Chief Instructor in the 1979-80 and 1980-81 seasons, and Club Captain in 1982-3, 1983-4 and 1986-7.

Mal is also a committed boatie, with many years experience as an oarsman, sweep and coach.

2012 B. D. Lilburne

A champion boatman of the 1980s, Bruce Lilburne has made a great contribution to the club’s youth development, and was Junior Officer for several years. He has also been the Nipper board coach and has brought many new members into the surf boat area of the club.

2012 P. G. Waey

A member of the Australian Champion Junior Boat Crew of 1976, Peter Waey has been a tireless “behind the scenes” worker for the club for many years. He has also made a great contribution to the development of new competitors in the boat area.

2012 P. L. Cohen

Penny Cohen has made a huge contribution to the club in the areas of fundraising and youth development, holding the offices of Junior Officer and Youth Development Officer among others.

Penny has also competed successfully in March Past, as well as coaching teams and bringing new members into the event.

2015 G. R. Trew

Grant Trew joined the club as a Nipper moving into the Senior club as a Cadet, gaining his Bronze Medallion in 1990.  Grant has a distinguished competition career winning many club and state medals particularly in the area of Champion Lifesaver and Champion Patrol.  He also qualified as an Instructor, Examiner, IRB Driver, and attained the ALS Gold Medal in 2003/4.

Grant has held a number of official positions in the club including Patrol Officer, Cadet Officer, Club Captain, Lifesaving Events Coach, and IRB coach.

Club President for 7 years Grant was instrumental in all dealings with the Town of Cambridge for the building of the new clubrooms at City Beach.

2015 M. A. Hughes

Murray Hughes joined the club in 1977 and has had 38 years involvement, much of it behind the scenes.

Murray has held the positions of Handicapper, Cadet Officer, Club Captain, Competition Officer (4 years) Club Team Manager, Assistant Team Manager and Competition Team Manager and has been recognised as Best Club Member and Administrator of the Year.

For decades Murray has provided selfless and invaluable support to competitors and coaches, as the logistics operator, taxi driver, craft repairer, transporter of gear, and more, at many carnivals especially interstate competitions.  All done with good humour, efficiency and no accolades required. He has also provided valuable assistance to the administration of the club with publishing and printing advice. An invaluable and very popular member.

2016 L. T. Kelly

Lloyd Kelly joined the Club in December 1971 and over the past 45 years has had a strong involvement with the club that continues today. Lloyd has held the positions of Gear Officer, Emergency Services Officer, Boat Captain, Bar Manager and Nipper Age Manager (7 years) and has been recognised as Best Club Member.  Lloyd has a strong competitive record with the boat section having won a number of State titles in Open and Masters competition.

A quiet reliable member Lloyd has always provided a valuable service to the Club in maintaining, servicing and repairing vehicles and providing sound advice that could always be relied upon and was invaluable in his support during the transition period of the club to the new clubrooms.

2018 E.P Gibbs

Eddie Gibbs joined City of Perth in August 1987 having previously been a member of the Midway SLSC in New Zealand where he gained his Bronze Medallion in 1974, and has been a committed and valued member for 30 years.

He held the position of Club Team Manager for 3 years, Vice President 1 year, Competition Officer 4 years and Ski Coordinator 8 years and ongoing.     Eddie has won the Best Club member trophy and has State and Australian Masters medals in Beach Flags, Board Rescue, Board Relay and Board Race.

A popular member who is very much appreciated.

A tireless supporter of Surf Sports his assistance to competitors has been invaluable in relation to helping transport and set up gear and equipment at all competitions including the State and Australian Championships.

From 2020 to 2029

2021 G.N. Johnston

Greg gained his Surf Life Saving Certificate as well as his Level 1 Surf Coach Certification in 1993. He was heavily involved with the running of the junior division of the club from 1987 with his four children in Nippers from Under 9’s through to Under 12’s, taking on the role of Nipper Beach Manager in 1996. He played in integral role as Cadet Officer 1996/97 and carried out Water Safety at the club and many carnivals between 1999 and 2001.

He is a true gentleman who is passionate about his family, his mates and doing things for others, simply because it is the right thing to do.

2021 G. Murphy

Gabrielle joined City of Perth SLSC as a Nipper and has provided continual service ever since holding positions of Patrol Vice-Captain (4 years), Patrol Captain (further 6 years) and Club Captain (4 years).

She has been the recipient of the President’s Medal for her contribution to the club and has won the clubs Patrol Member of the Year Award.

This support to the running of the club and its core business of keeping our beach safe, has been undertaken whilst at the same time being a shift worker and one of the clubs most successful competitors.

Since her first Australian Title as an under 14 she has won 24 Australian Championship Medals, 8 of which are Australian Titles as well as representing the club at 4 world championships.

Gabrielle has been SLSWA Junior Athlete of the Year on 3 occasions and has also represented Australia in the under 20’s national team competing in Japan.


Gabrielle’s achievements have come on the back of a work ethic based on never cutting corners, never pulling up short, never missing a session, never giving less than 100%.

But her single most significant character trait, is her sense of team. The team, whether it be a relay team, or the running squad, or a patrol, or the club as a whole, is always put before herself.

2022 S. Read

Sonya was awarded the 25-year service award in 2014. She joined our club in 2002, spending her formative 15 years at the City of Bunbury and a couple of years lost in the wilderness spending a year at Trigg and Scarboro clubs. Coming to our club as a trainer and assessor, Sonya was welcomed with open arms and remains an active trainer and assessor to date.

Sonya has never needed a formal position in providing service to our club, always working/helping out behind the scenes to make things happen. That being said, Sonya has taken on Executive and club positions from Education Coordinator to Director of Beach Operations, and most positions in between. 

Club President, Stephen Carrick, noted “Behind the scenes, Sonya has ensured the safety and wellbeing of our members who have been exposed to challenging and at times critical situations.”



2024 S. Carrick

Stephen Carrick joined the club as a nipper parent member in 1998 gaining his Bronze the following year. He immediately became involved in the competition area as an official at both Nipper and Open competitions for the following four seasons.

Continuing in the competition area, Stephen was City Surf Sports Officer for 9 seasons, as well as involvement with the State Advisory Committee.

Stephen has held other official positions in the club including Vice President and President

During the five year planning period and construction of the new clubrooms at City Beach, Stephen was a principal member of the Building Committee, including Chairperson.