Life Saving
The volunteers of the City of Perth SLSC patrol a 2.5 km stretch of coastline from Swanbourne dog beach to Floreat beach. The flagged area is generally at the southern end of City Beach in front of the club rooms and the recently developed leisure and restaurant precinct.
The City of Perth Volunteer Lifesavers support the SLSWA Lifeguards and the Westpac helicopter providing a full range of services which include IRB, Jet Ski and Drone. The Volunteers patrol the beach every weekend and public holiday (including Christmas Day) from the beginning of October to the end of March.
City Beach, like the adjoining beaches, receives relatively low waves, averaging 0.5 to 1 m, and usually has a steep beach and a continuous bar. Rips occur along the beach during higher waves, particularly in winter, however whenever waves are breaking across the bars, rips run out against the groynes but can pop up elsewhere at any time.
For information on how to join our patrolling team contact beachoperations@cityofperthslsc.com.au or contact our office on reception@cityofperthslsc.com.au