Annual Proficiencies. In order to patrol, compete, operate lifesaving equipment and be covered by insurance in doing these activities, a member must undertake annual proficiency testing between 30 June and 31 December. Even if the proficiency is completed after 31 December, (ie. In the new year), they still cannot compete until after 1 July that new year. Proficiency testing includes Surf Rescue Certificate, Bronze Medallion, Resuscitation Award, Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate, IRB Crew, IRB Driver, RWC Operator, Drone Operator, Nipper Rescue Certificate.
Bronze Medallion, Surf Rescue Certificate and Resuscitation Award Proficiencies
We will again conduct mass proficiency sessions. Please endeavor to make it to one of these sessions as there is limited scope to fit in other sessions. These will occur commencing at 9.00am on the following dates.
• Sunday 6 November
• Sunday 13 November
• Sunday 27 November
• Sunday 11 December
(Proficiency testing of IRB Crew, IRB Driver, RWC and Drone Operator awards will be communicated and conducted separately). Any questions please contact Steve Reynolds – Proficiency Coordinator on 0419 989 467 or by email
Bronze Course – Senior
These will be held on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings, with the assessment to be held beginning of December. Lead trainer for the course is Mike Darragh. Course will commence Thursday 13 October 6:00pm and on Sunday – 16 October 9:00am then weekly. Please email Kylie for course enrollment.
Bronze Course – Youth
Expression of Interest (EOI) for the second Bronze Course for the youth section this season, with details of the commencement date TBA (tentative start October). Please email your interest to Kylie.
Surf Rescue Certificate – Youth Course
Sunday 9 October 9:00am Bold Park Pool to complete the pre course requirement 200m swim within 5 minutes
Tuesday 11 October 5:30 to 7:30pm Training room (dry training) safety, wellbeing, radio operations and signals
Sunday 16 October 9:00am to 11:00am Galley (wet training) rescue skills, board and tube rescues and run swim run
Tuesday 18 October 5:30pm to 7:30pm Training room (dry training) resuscitation and rescue planning
Sunday 23 October 9:00am to 11:00am Galley (wet training) rescue skills, board and tube rescues, runs swim run and scenarios
Tuesday 25 October 6:00pm Training room. Assessment (dry) signals, radios and resuscitation
Sunday 30 October 9:00am Galley assessment (wet) run swim run, tube and board rescues and scenarios.
Further course information will then be provided, including online learning enrollment.