Join Us
Memberships are now open for renewal.
New Members
- Determine the type of your Membership and fee payable by referring to table below.
- Click here to join the Club via SLSA. Follow the prompts.
- Make payment.
- For full gym membership price guide click here
Existing Members
- Determine your membership fee payable by referring to the table below.
- Sign in to your SLSA portal account here. If you DO NOT have a Member Portal account, click here to create one.
- Once you are logged in, select memberships from the drop down menu.
- Select renewals, payments and transfers.
- Click renew and ensure all details are correct.
- Agree to declaration by ticking all three boxes and click submit.
- Click “make a payment” and click “pay online”.
- Fill out the details. Refer to table below for membership amount.
- Add another transaction if you wish to add a gym membership (optional).
- For full gym membership price guide click here
Membership Category | Requirements / Responsibilities | Membership Fee Only | Gym Membership Fee Only | Membership + Gym Fee |
Gym Community Membership (SurfGuard: Associate) |
NA | NA |
3 months $225 (includes membership fee) 6 months $420 (includes membership fee) 12 months $795 (includes membership fee) |
Community Membership (SurfGuard: Associate) |
$330 | NA | NA |
Active Senior (SurfGuard category: Active 18 and Over) |
$240 | $260 | $500 |
Active Reserve (SurfGuard category: Reserve Active) |
$275 | $260 | $535 |
Long Service (SurfGuard category: Long Service) |
$275 | $260 | $535 |
Under 19 (SurfGuard category: Active 15 to 18 Years and Over) |
$190 | $140 | $330 |
Under 15 (Youth) (SurfGuard category: Cadet 13 to 15 Years) |
$190 | NA | NA |
Junior (Nipper) (SurfGuard category: Junior Activity Member 5 to 13 years) |
$160 | NA | NA |
General Parent (SurfGuard category: General) |
$140 | $520 | $660 |
Family Cap (conditions apply: please contact the Club) |
$620 | NA | NA |
Life Member (SurfGuard category: Life Member) |
N/A | $260 | $260 |
City of Perth SLSC is an incorporated association. The Associations Incorporation Act 2015 provides a framework of regulation for not-for-profit organisations. New members to the Association are required to be provided with a copy of the Association’s Constitution. You can view our Constitution by clicking here. For full descriptions of membership categories, refer to the club by-laws.