City of Perth SLSC operates an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Drone Program, to assist with beach operations. The UAV services are used in:
– The surveillance of marine creatures and objects
– The identification of rip currents and other hazards; and
– Support of search operations
When used as part of a Surf Life Saving beach patrol, UAVs provide valuable intel which enables patrol teams to efficiently deploy people and other assets to carry out preventative actions and rescues. City is looking at developing new UAV Drone Operators to be part of the Beach Operations. To be considered as a UAV Drone Operator, you must:
- Be a member of the City of Perth SLSC,
- Be 16 years or older,
- Have a Surf Life Saving recognised certificate such as Bronze Medallion, Surf Rescue Certificate, Radio Operations, First Aid or ARTC,
- Be prepared to obtain a CASA Aviation Reference Number (ARN),
- Be prepared to complete the SLSWA RPAS Online Theory Course,
- Be prepared to attend a drone flying training session at City where the basics of Drone operations will be covered,
- Be prepared to do at least 2 Patrols as a Drone Operator, and at least 2 Patrols as a Drone Spotter (assisting Droner Operator) during the coming season.
City have organised training for Drone Operators at the Club Rooms at 8:30am to 12:00 on Saturday 12 and 19 November. If you are interested in being part of the City Drone Patrol, contact the club to learn more. To find out more email here.