Join Us

Memberships are now open for renewal.

New Members

  1. Determine the type of your Membership and fee payable by referring to table below.
  2. Click here to join the Club via SLSA. Follow the prompts.
  3. Make payment.
  4. For full gym membership price guide click here

Existing Members 

  1. Determine your membership fee payable by referring to the table below.
  2. Sign in to your SLSA portal account here. If you DO NOT have a Member Portal account, click here to create one.
  3. Once you are logged in, select memberships from the drop down menu.
  4. Select renewals, payments and transfers.
  5. Click renew and ensure all details are correct.
  6. Agree to declaration by ticking all three boxes and click submit.
  7. Click “make a payment” and click “pay online”.
  8. Fill out the details. Refer to table below for membership amount.
  9. Add another transaction if you wish to add a gym membership (optional).
  10. For full gym membership price guide click here
Membership Category Requirements / Responsibilities Membership Fee Only Gym Membership Fee Only Membership + Gym Fee
Gym Community Membership
(SurfGuard: Associate)
  • Minimum age 16.
  • Access to a gymnasium, member Lounge facilities, change rooms, 2-hour lockers.
  • May take part in intraclub events but are not eligible to win trophies.
  • May not compete in interclub competition (except events which are open to the general public).
  • Non-patrolling member.

3 months $225 (includes membership fee)

6 months $420 (includes membership fee)

12 months $795 (includes membership fee)

Community Membership
(SurfGuard: Associate)
  • Minimum age 16.
  • May take part in intraclub events but are not eligible to win trophies.
  • May not compete in interclub competition (except events which are open to the general public).
  • Non-patrolling member.
$330 NA NA
Active Senior
(SurfGuard category: Active 18 and Over) 
  • Required to complete Bronze Medallion and annual proficiency.
  • Required to complete Patrolling duties. 
$240 $260 $500
Active Reserve
(SurfGuard category: Reserve Active)
  • Minimum of 8 years SLSA patrolling history approved by our Beach Committee.
  • Holds Bronze Medallion and annual proficiency.
  • Patrolling duties as required by our Beach Committee.
$275 $260 $535
Long Service
(SurfGuard category: Long Service)
  • Minimum of 10 years SLSA patrolling history approved by our Beach Committee.
  • Required to hold Bronze Medallion.
$275 $260 $535
Under 19
(SurfGuard category: Active 15 to 18 Years and Over) 
  • Required to complete Bronze Medallion and annual proficiency.
  • Required to complete Patrolling duties.
$190 $140 $330
Under 15 (Youth)
(SurfGuard category: Cadet 13 to 15 Years)  
  • Required to complete Surf Rescue Certificate or Bronze Medallion and annual proficiency.
  • Required to complete Patrolling duties.
$190 NA NA
Junior (Nipper)
(SurfGuard category: Junior Activity Member 5 to 13 years)
  • Age groups determined by age.
  • Nippers learn beach safety & lifesaving concepts in a fun environment.
  • All Nipper applications must be accompanied by a General Parent application or a parent who is already a club member.
$160 NA NA
General Parent
(SurfGuard category: General)
  • No qualifications or awards are required to assist with Nipper BBQ, set up or non-water based activities.
  • If you want to be actively involved assisting with nipper activities and water safety, a Surf Rescue Certificate or Bronze Medallion is required.
$140 $520 $660
Family Cap
(conditions apply: please contact the Club)
  • Up to maximum 2 parents and 3 children.
$620 NA NA
Life Member (SurfGuard category: Life Member)
  • Life Member
N/A $260 $260


City of Perth SLSC is an incorporated association. The Associations Incorporation Act 2015  provides a framework of regulation for not-for-profit organisations. New members to the Association are required to be provided with a copy of the Association’s Constitution. You can view our Constitution by clicking here. For full descriptions of membership categories, refer to the club by-laws.